Key: C2WSDL12-24
Legacy Issue Number: 8807
Status: closed
Source: AIP Safe ( Jan Vomlel)
I have some notes and questions to CORBA IDL to WSDL mapping. 1. corba.wsdl contains xsd:url type. But this type is not defined in schema. There is only xsd:anyURI. I think corba.wsdl is not valid wsdl!!! 2. TypeCode is mapped to url to wsdl document and type name. Why TypeCode is not mapped to QName? 3. Any is mapped to CORBA:TypeCode and xsd:any. I think better is mapping to xsd:any. Type is defined by xsi:type attribute in soap message. 4. Object reference is mapped to sequence of url. But this urls are urls to CORBA interfaces. It is not usefull for me. I neednot return corba reference (it is irrelevant for soap client), I need to return address of webservice or whole EndpointReference from ws-addresing, which transform soap messages to calls on this CORBA::reference. 5. Contact information for this specification mars@omg.org is not valid.
Reported: C2WSDL 1.1 — Tue, 24 May 2005 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — C2WSDL 1.2
Disposition Summary:
close without change
Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 04:11 GMT