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C2MS11 — Misc Post-ballot-13 Fixes

  • Key: C2MS11-249
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Kratos RT Logic, Inc. ( Mr. Mike Anderson)
  • Summary:

    There are a handful of tweaks that need to be made on top of C2MS11-187, discovered during the Ballot #13 effort:

    • In Device Message Additional Information. Device.n.Name should be R rather than D because Num-of-Devices is 1+.
    • In the Heartbeat Message Diagram, we didn't remove the "=30" in PUBRATE, though it was supposed to be removed, according to C2MS11-187 (resolution to C2MS11-188)
    • The same changes as C2MS11-25, should also be done for Heartbeat Message Tables and text and Resource Message Tables and text.
    • In the diagram for TLM CCSDS Packet, add the warning on stream-mode.
    • Replay Telemetry Data Request Message Diagram does not have correct Formats in the field names and comment.
    • In MVAL Response and MVAL Data message, as well as the corresponding Archive Messages, C2MS11-187 introduced ALARM-STATUS. Change the name of this field in the table as well as the diagram and diagram comments to ALARM-STATE.
    • Command Request and Command Echo messages didn't mark the CCSDSFRAME as DEPRECATED (did so in the descriptive text, but not in the field values for the table. Note the way this was done for Replay Telemetry Data Request Message Additional Information. Additionally, in all cases where we deprecate CCSDSFRAME, it should be bolded.
    • The diagram for product request message has a label issue and needs to be adjusted.
    • As part of C2MS11-191, we removed all the .xsds from the title page. However, that issue inadvertently did not remove the Fields.xsd. It should be removed as part of this issue.
    • There is missing text in the Section Header for Navigation Data Messages. In all other cases, there is a description under this heading. This one should say, "The abbreviated Table 8-174 below shows the required values of the MESSAGE-TYPE and MESSAGE-SUBTYPE fields for the header of Navigation Data Messages." The corresponding table name should be "Header Field Values for Navigation Data Messages".
    • In C2MS11-187, table 8-20 Archive Message Retrieval Request Additional Information, the type is not shown for MSG.n.NUM-OF-FIELDS. This should be U16 and 'D'.
    • Use Critical instead of Severe for alarm levels throughout (affects model diagrams and additional info tables). Under the Log Message use text: "4. A display application may subscribe to Critical (Level 4) Severity messages." In Directive Message use text "to provide a GO/NOGO or rollup Normal, Warning, Distress or Critical status on the data link."
    • in the Heartbeat Message, NUM-OF-SUBSCRIPTIONS shows a "U16" in the Value column, which is redundant and should be removed.
    • Throughout the "Additional Information" tables, where there are inner tables with "Value" and "Description", it is often the case that some of these columns are left-justified and some centered, and this is often true with in the same table (see "Telemetry Processed Frame Message Additional Information"). Recommend centering the "Value" column of the inner table and left-justifying the "Description" column of the inner table. See "Mnemonic Value Response Message Additional Information" for a good and consistent example of what this would look like.
    • Related to the above, items in the 'Value' column for Message Additional Information tables are sometimes centered and sometimes left-justified. See Mnemonic Value Request Message. This needs to be made consistent.
    • In Mnemonic Value Request Message Additional Information table, MNEMONIC.n.SAMPLE-RATE uses a divided 'Value' column showing both '1+' and 'milliseconds'. Merge the cell, leave '1+', but get rid of 'milliseconds' and add 'miliseconds' to the 'Description' column.
    • In C2MS11-187, table 8-114 Archive Mnemonic Value Request Message Additional Information, the type is not shown for MNEMONIC.n.NAME. This should be String and 'D'.
  • Reported: C2MS 1.0 — Mon, 22 Apr 2024 00:33 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:13 GMT
  • Attachments: