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  1. OMG Issue

C2MS11 — Improve text related to ONESHOT in Mval Request Message

  • Key: C2MS11-141
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Kratos RT Logic, Inc. ( Mr. Mike Anderson)
  • Summary:

    Mnemonic Value Request Message and its corresponding Mnemonic Value Response Message utilize a concept called "ONESHOT" or "Oneshot". These are the only messages in C2MS that have this construct.

    This is described in Mnemonic Value Request Message as:
    “The Mnemonic Value Request Message is used to request one or more mnemonics either as a single sample ('Oneshot') or as a request to Start publishing the mnemonics continuously.”


    Mnemonic Value Response Message:
    "For a 'Oneshot' Mnemonic Value Request Message, the Mnemonic Value Response Message contains the values of the requested mnemonics and no further Mnemonic Value Data messages will be published."

    However, in a significant way, these statements conflict with the next line:
    "For a 'Start' Mnemonic Value Request Message, the Mnemonic Value Response Message contains the initial values of the requested mnemonics and subsequent occurrences of the mnemonics will be published via the Mnemonic Value Data Message."

    In other words, the Response Message will contain the initial set of data (current point values) in response to EITHER 'Start' or 'Oneshot'. The description says "either or" ("either as a single sample ('Oneshot') or as a request to Start publishing"), but the logical statement should be "yes and maybe" (Both Oneshot and Start will contain the initial set of data, but only Start will be followed with Mvals).

    As written, the text has to be read carefully to understand the "yes and maybe" logic. I suggest adding some supporting text to clarify this.

  • Reported: C2MS 1.0 — Thu, 16 Mar 2023 00:16 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:13 GMT