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BQS — issue: excluded attributes

  • Key: BQS-14
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4546
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Japan Biological Informatics Consortium ( Martin Senger)
  • Summary:

    The BQS has a notion of the "excluded attributes". They can be
    specified in query methods and cause that the resulting collection has
    some attributes missing. The intention was to allow to create more
    lightweight collections (without long abstracts, for example). This reason
    is still valid and I am not going to ask to remove it from the query
    However, during our implementation we found that also other "user
    pattern" is quite often: To create a collection, then ask for few
    attributes (like titles), and then ask for the another few attributes, and
    only that, finally, ask for the (whole) collection. The existence of
    excluded attributes in query methods makes it possible to realize such
    pattern - but the implementation become quite complex. Because whenever
    the user wants to change the set of excluded attributes, the server has to
    create a new collection (which may be optimalized, I know, but still it is
    a hassle for the implementation).
    Therefore, I am thinking about adding the "excluded attributes"
    parameter also to the retrieval methods.
    I would not expect big problems from the FTF's P&P point of view,
    because I hope that I can prove that adding such parameter is not new
    functionality but only a convenient way how to achieve already existing
    functions. However, I would like to ask for your advice, if this addition
    is or is not bad from the BQS architecture point of view. I know that our
    implementation (and perhaps other implementations as well) would be much
    cleaner with having these attributes, but is that enough to justify the
    suggested change?

    Resolution (would be):

    To add a parameter "in AttributeList excluded" to the retrival methods
    (all in BibRefCollection interface):

    • retrieve_all_elements()
    • create_iterator()
    • find_by_id()
  • Reported: BQS 1.0b1 — Thu, 30 Aug 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BQS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT