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  1. OMG Issue

BMM11 — Restore Primary Reading to "Formulated Based On" Fact Type

  • Key: BMM11-3
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11510
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Trisotech ( Ms. Keri Anderson Healy)
  • Summary:

    Source: BRG
    Keri Anderson Healy, Ronald G. Ross
    The 07-08-06 version of BMM now reflects a 'forward' (primary) reading of a fact type that differs from business intent of this association, as expressed in both the BRG BMM and the prose for this assocation (see 8.2.6 Directive, first paragraph on p. 30 (PDF p. 40)).
    It is also possible for the Courses of Action to be formulated based on Directives. For example, the Tactics 'Comply with manufacturer's maintenance schedules' and 'Equalize use of cars across rentals so that mileage is similar for cars of the same car group and age' are both formulated based on the Business Policy 'Depreciation of cars must be minimized'. The Directive thereby serves as the source of the Course of Action.
    Given an understanding of how the BRG developed the prose reading of a model, it is clear which reading of this fact type is the intended primary reading. Here is the mechanistic process that was generally applied:
    · Express the fact type in a prose sentence that states the forward-reading's first concept as the subject, the primary reading phrase as the verb, and the forward-reading's second concept as the object of the sentence.
    · Give example(s).
    · Optionally, state the secondary reading. (Note: when the secondary reading is simply the passive form, omit.)
    From this, it is evident that the intended forward (primary) reading of this fact type is:
    course of action is formulated based on directive
    Indeed, this is the way the entry appeared in an early version of Clause 9 (e.g., dated Aug. 22, 2006).
    Changing the reading of this fact type to have 'directive' be the subject loses an important part of the business message of what is going on in this part of the model. There are two potential relationships between a course of action and a directive, each with a different 'subject', to yield a kind of back-and-forth synergy between the concepts. Depicting the same subject for both fact types loses this part of the message.
    Restore the original designation of which reading is "primary" so that both the Concepts Catalog entry and the UML derivitaves are correct and consistent with the prose and the business intent of this fact type.
    Revised Text:
    In 9.1, p. 59 (PDF p. 69), change the entry that currently reads:
    directive is source of course of action
    Synonymous Form course of action is formulated based on directive
    to read:
    course of action is formulated based on directive
    Synonymous Form directive is source of course of action
    In 9.4, p. 67 (PDF, p. 77), change the line that currently reads:
    directive is source of course of action DirectiveIsSourceOfCourseOfAction
    to read:
    course of action is formulated based on directive CourseOfActionIsFormulatedBasedOnDirective
    In 9.5, p. 68 (PDF, p. 78), change the line that currently reads:
    directive is source of course of action baseDirective derivedCourseOfAction
    to read:
    course of action is formulated based on directive derivedCourseOfAction baseDirective

  • Reported: BMM 1.0 — Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BMM 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Restore the original designation of which reading is "primary" so that both the Concepts Catalog entry and the UML derivatives are correct and consistent with the prose and the business intent of this fact type.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT