Key: BACM-36
Status: closed
Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mr. James Rhyne)
Likewise “The user may also indicate that one instance generalizes another, but the implementation is not obligated to determine that the instance model is consistent.“ - what does generalization even mean between instances and won’t it depend on the metaclass? E.g. what would it mean to be a generalization of LegalEntity IBM Corp?
Reported: BACM 1.0a1 — Thu, 20 Oct 2022 17:39 GMT
Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — BACM 1.0b2
Disposition Summary:
Rewrite and consolidate prose description of instancing
This proposal is mostly resolved by the proposal attached to BACM_44 (to resolve issue
BACM-43) and a proposal (BACM-67) to resolve issueBACM-45.
The remaining part of this issue, that the BACM metamodel does not have a distinct domain of individuals (viz. the domain of classes and object properties as distinct from the domain of individuals and assertions) is unresolved. This proposal creates a separate issue (BACM-68) with a proposal to defer. -
Updated: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 12:56 GMT
BACM — Meaning of "generalization" of instances
- Key: BACM-36
- OMG Task Force: Business Architecture Core Metamodel (BACM) 1.0 FTF