Key: AMSMF2-4
Legacy Issue Number: 13039
Status: closed
Source: THALES ( Willy Boenink)
Strange relation between methods and transitions. The expected state and the methods to use to reach the state depend on the previous state. That is very strange and error prone. e.g. if the wanted state is STOPPED, case the current state is RUNNING, ShutDown must be called. In case the state is HALTED, Stop must be called.The method should denote the wanted state with this limitation that only specified state transitions are possible. Note that there is no operation to enter the HALT state. "
Reported: AMSM 1.0b2 — Fri, 31 Oct 2008 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — AMSM 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Agree. Let's summarize: the StartUp methods are for reaching state "RUNNING" (transitions LOAD_START, START, LOAD_START_DIRTY; CONTINUE is lacking here), the Shutdown methods are for reaching state "EXECUTABLE" (transitions UNLOAD, RECOVER, RECOVER_DIRTY; STOP have to be removed here), the Load method reaches the state "LOADED" (transitions LOAD, LOAD_DIRTY), the Stop method reaches the "STOPPED" state (transitions HALT, STOP_HALTED; HALT should be replaced by STOP here), and the "Continue" method is a shorthand to reach the state "RUNNING" from the state "HALTED".
Eventually, the state "HALTED" is no more reachable and a method "halt" has so to be added to reach it". -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT