Key: ADA12-28
Legacy Issue Number: 2209
Status: closed
Source: Anonymous
Summary: The Ada mapping lacks a method for converting an
implementation side Object to the corresponding
proxy side Ref. The C++ mapping defines a method,
_this(), for this purpose (see CORBA V2.2 chapter
20.34.2.)I propose the addition in the code generated for an
interface A, in package A.Impl:function To_Ref (Self : access Object) return Ref;
Reported: ADA 1.1 — Fri, 13 Nov 1998 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — ADA 1.2
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
ADA12 — Method for converting an Object to a Ref
- Key: ADA12-28
- OMG Task Force: IDL/Ada Update Mapping FTF